Stop Discrimination Against Assistance Dogs and Their Owners

People living with disability regularly face questioning, discrimination and embarrassment when they are trying to do normal things in public.

Will you please sign this pledge of support to show Australian businesses that people with Assistance Dogs deserve to be treated with respect and dignity?

People are being stopped from shopping, seeing a live show or enjoying a nice meal at a restaurant because of their Assistance Dog, who has the legal right to be with them in public.

Discrimination and rudeness can stop people from living their lives, doing what they love, and feeling like they are part of their community.

And it can be confronting for people with an Assistance Dog, who just want to have a nice day out, like everyone else.

We demand a culture of acceptance and understanding, so that everyone can participate in the things they love to do.

0 people have signed.

Let’s get to 10,000

I believe Assistance Dogs and their humans should be allowed in public without the embarasment of being stopped, questioned and shamed.
